Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Spiritwood, Saskatchewan

The tame but wild rabbit

                                       Us on the wagon. Peanut is on the left and Brittle is on the right

                                                     Autumn Fee's barn, where the horses live

                                                                Claire and Lydia's cat, Oliver

                                                              Claire and Lydia's cat,Venus

We were in Spiritwood for 2 days. We stayed at Claire and Lydia's house, Claire is Grandpa Turgeon's first cousin. First day we went to the "Crooked Bush"; a natural phenomenon that  scientists can't explain. The Crooked Bush is a small patch of aspen trees that grow very crooked, while nearby the trees grow arrow straight. The next day we went for a wagon ride, Aunty Bea (Grandpa Turgeon's aunt) came along. The horses names were Peanut and Brittle; as in peanut brittle. They are owned and trained by Matt Gagne (Grandpa Turgeons first cousin as well) It was a very nice day, we  saw a wild rabbit who appeared to be quite tame. On the ride we went through fields (it was kinda windy there) and along the road the traffic was a total of two cars.  After the wagon ride, Aunty Bea gave  us a tour of Leoville and Laventure small hamlets near Spiritwood. Grandpa Turgeon was raised in Leoville. I went to take pictures of the two cats, Oliver and Venus. We went looking for gophers in a field across the road from Claire and Lydia's place, i managed to get one shot, but it was so cold and windy that they didn't want to come out of their holes.


  1. The wagon ride looks fun. I love Aunty Bea's chair! Beautiful horses. cute cats, sweet bunny. I think I need to read the "Little House on the Prairie" series again! Wonderful weather you guys are having!

  2. Love your pictures, keep them coming. We will be in Leoville in a few weeks for our hay ride, etc. I think I have this blog thing finally fiqured out.

  3. Happy Birthday Sophia. Much love from Uncle Marty and Auntie Marjean
